


Program to control the state of the system and service manager.


66 [ -h ] [ -z ] [ -v verbosity ] [ -l live ] [ -T timeout ] [ -t tree ] start|stop|reload|restart|free|reconfigure|enable|disable|configure|status|resolve|state|remove|signal|snapshot|tree|parse|scandir|boot|poweroff|reboot|halt|version [<command options> or subcommand <subcommand options>] service...|tree

Invocation of 66 can be made as root or regular account.


These options are available all commands except the -t options. In such cases, the help of the specific command provides clarification.


User command

Admin command

Debug command

Exit codes

Furthermore, all commands receive the same exit code.

Instanced service

An instanced service name from a service template can be passed as service argument where the name of the service must end with a @ (commercial at).—see frontend service file.

(!) The name of the template must be declared first immediately followed by the instance name.

For example, to enable a intanced service, you can do:

66 enable foo@foobar

Handling dependencies

Any dependency or required-by dependency of a service or a tree chain will be automatically resolved. Manually defining chains of interdependencies is unnecessary.

For instance, during the stop command, if the FooA service has a declared required-by dependency on FooB, FooB will be considered and automatically stopped first when FooA is stopped. This process will run recursively until all required-by dependencies are stopped. This is also valuable for the opposite process, meaning start.

This applies to all 66 commands when it’s necessary.