



66-which is a portable which command that checks if a command exists and is executable in PATH or at specified path. It behaves slightly different then the GNU which command.


    66-which [ -h ] [ -q | -a ] command(s)

This tool expect to find valid command name or path, it will check if they exists and are executable by the current user.

Exit codes


Usage examples

Search for a command by using its name:

    $ 66-which 66-echo

Check for a command by using its path:

    $ 66-which /usr/bin/66-echo

Usage of 66-which in a script:

    #!/usr/bin/execlineb -P

    if { 66-which -q vgchange }
    vgchange -ay


66-which need at least one valid entry in PATH that exists on the system. 66-which is often used on critical scripts, like the ones booting the system, so it’s important to check if PATH contains valid entries for the current system.

66-which correctly handle the tilde ~ character for paths. Beware that same shell, like bash, replaces this character with the current user home path. To pass the correct string to 66-which, containing the tilde character, use quoting like this: 66-which '~/.bin/gvr'.