Services 's packages

Author : obarun | Tags : System, Packagespublied : 2017-08-22 19:12:00

All the packages concerning services was released to implement the new s6logd.hook coming with s6opts.

Apart the implementation of the hook, classic services's packages do not change, the change will be applied automatically on your next reboot. However, a changes occur on rc services's packages. You need to update your compiled database to follow the change.

If you are a little paranoïd, you can update your service database safely following this steps :

 Note : depending of the service(s) declared on your database but it may a good idea to make this step on console instead on X session.

Assuming you have e.g bundle-Dbus and bundle-Connman on your live database. Remember, to know which database is in use and which services are on it, simply invoke s6opts with list operations command.
First create a new source database (called e.g test) with the bundle-Dbus and bundle-Connman on it :

# s6opts add test "bundle-Dbus bundle-Connman"
Then compile and switch on it and see what happens :
# s6opts all Test test
All is good? So, you can now use update operations without risk. First switch again on your previous database (e.g Live)
# s6opts switch Live
Then remove the bundle-Dbus and bundle-Connman from your live database :
# s6opts update "bundle-Dbus bundle-Connman"
Then enable it again :
# s6opts update "bundle-Dbus bundle-Connman"
You use now the new release of bundle-Dbus and bundle-Connman.

If you look at /etc/s6-serv/available/rc you will find some directories e.g. dbus-longrun in replacement of dbus-daemon or xdg-user-dirs-oneshot in replacement of xdg-user-dirs-daemon. This name directories changes allow us to quickly view the type of the service called longrun for longrun services and oneshot for oneshot services.

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