Obarun live image download

This is needed to log onto obarun ISORss feed

  • root login : root
  • root password : toor
  • user login : oblive
  • user password : toor

If you want to change the keyboard on X session, open a terminal and type :

$ setxkbmap fr

Replace fr with your choice

If you want to change the keyboard on console type :

# loadkeys fr

Replace fr with your choice

Last Release

  • Included latest 66 version

Checksums: md5sums.txt

Minimal flavour


JWM flavour


Docker image

A Docker image is available on Docker Hub. You can run the image with the following command:

docker run -it obarun/base

Warning: we would like to alert you that using an earlier image and previous installer will not produce a bootable installation. We can not be held liable for obsolete software and images when new replacements have been published. Also, always update obarun-install and obarun-install-themes at installation time when the obarun-install script ask for it.

Last updates