[announce]66 v0.3.0.0 and bugs

Author : obarun | Tags : Packagespublied : 2020-05-03 09:32:37

I found two important bugs on the release. I fixed it and i did a new release (v0.3.0.3) available on the [obcore] repositories.

The v0.3.0.0 can broke your runtime service (sddm do not start anymore, dbus or consolekit, and so on) by changing the permissions of the current file of the service's logger. If it's the case for you, check the permissions of every /var/log/66/service_name/current files for a services of type longrun or classic(do not touch oneshot service). The owner of the /var/log/66/service_name/current file should be s6log and not root. To check for example the dbus service, do:

# ls -la /var/log/66/dbus
rwxr-xr-x  3 s6log log 4.0K Apr 22 13:32  ./
drwxr-xr-x 55 s6log log 4.0K Apr 26 18:05  ../
drwxr-xr-x  2 s6log log 4.0K Feb 25  2019  dbus/
-rw-r--r--  1 s6log log 8.1K Nov  1  2019 '@400000005dbb59dc381185f4.u'
-rwxr--r--  1 s6log log 975K Nov 12 09:04 '@400000005dc9db0315e406dc.s'*
-rw-r--r--  1 s6log log 948K Apr 22 10:24 '@400000005e9facd32a807863.u'
-rw-r--r--  1 s6log log  92K May  3 13:37  current
-rw-r--r--  1 s6log log    0 Oct 28  2018  lock
-rw-r--r--  1 s6log log    0 Apr 22 13:32  state
As you can see in this example the owner of the current file is s6log and the group is log. To change the permission if it not correct do:
# chown -R s6log:log /var/log/66/dbus

Apologies for the inconvenience

Please see the NEWS file for futher information.

If you have any questions or trouble, please do not hesitate in making a report.

Thanks for your attention.


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