From s6opts to 66 tools

Author : obarun | Tags : System, Generalpublied : 2019-03-21 01:41:00

We are happy to announce you the starts of the transition phase from s6opts to 66. A period of 2 months is given to let you the time to update your system. That's means that in date of the may 21 2019 s6opts will be officially deprecated and will not exist anymore on the Obarun official repositories.

From that point all ISO is now provided with 66 tools in place of s6opts. You can, if you desire, test the 66 tools in live or download it to have a rescue ISO system. Obarun-install-themes was released (v0.1.3) to reflect the changes and all templates are ready to use. Obarun-install have a few changes and it also was released (v0.9.9).

A special repository named '66' was created to avoid conflicts between packages particulary with skarnet software which are build with differents flags. This repository will be removed and all packages moved to the obcore repositories at the end of the transition phase.

Well, we are ready to move to 66...

Follow the procedure below to properly make the transition. All the command see below need to be made as root.

First edit your /etc/pacman.conf and add the 66 repository. This repository MUST be at the first place:

	SigLevel = Required
	Server =
	#SigLevel = Required
	#Server =

	#SigLevel = Required
	#Server =

	SigLevel = Required
	Server =

	SigLevel = Required
	Server ="

Synchronize pacman database and update the system

# pacman -Syyu"

Check if your skarnet package has the updated release versions. The versions need to be at LEAST of the following versions : skalibs, execline, s6, s6-rc and s6-portable-utils Do not continue if any of those installed packages have a smaller release. To check do the following:

# pacman -Qs skalibs

Do the same for execline,s6,s6-rc and s6-portable-utils package

Make a backup of the s6opts scripts.

# mv /etc/s6 /etc/s6-backup

Remove the s6opts elements(service,scripts)

# pacman -Rnsu $(pacman -Qqs | grep -e s6serv -e s6rcserv)
# pacman -Rdd s6-boot s6opts

Install the 66 elements. Install first the 66 tools and the boot service than install any other desire services.

# pacman -S 66 boot-66serv
# pacman -S root-66tree dbus-66serv consolekit-66serv connmand-66serv ntpd-66serv

Enable services for the next boot

# 66-enable dbus consolekit connmand ntpd

Check if all is good (optional)

# 66-info -T

Restore the s6 backup. This will allow the scandir to retrieve the good scripts to properly shutdown the system.

# mv /etc/s6-backup /etc/s6

Finally reboot

# s6-svscanctl -6 /run/boot/service

Congratulations, you are under 66 tools :)

After the reboot,you can remove completely the s6opts elements

# rm -rf /etc/s6
# rm -rf /etc/s6-serv
# rm -rf /var/log/s6rc
# rm -rf /var/log/s6serv

Do the same if you have a s6opts user directory

$ rm -rf $HOME/service

Thanks for your attention.

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