GPG key issue

Author : obarun | Tags : Systempublied : 2018-08-31 07:30:00

Due of a manipulation mistake of the gpg Obarun key, the update and installation of the new Obarun gpg key need a manual intervention. Please follow this following line to be able to synchronize the pacman database and use the new gpg key.

First, you need to edit your /etc/pacman.conf by changing your SigLevel directive as the following

#SigLevel = Never
#Server =$arch/testing

SigLevel = Never
Server =$arch
Now install the update the obarun-keyring package by
# pacman -Sy obarun-keyring
You can now reverse your change in your /etc/pacman.conf
#SigLevel = Required
#Server =$arch/testing

SigLevel = Required
Server =$arch

Now you need to import the key

# pacman-key --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 1E389882EFEABB1AE7723A014B9100E679075EDF
Check the fingerprint
$ pacman-key --finger 1E389882EFEABB1AE7723A014B9100E679075EDF
Finally, sign it locally
# pacman-key --lsign-key 1E389882EFEABB1AE7723A014B9100E679075EDF

Check if all go right

# pacman -Syy

This is the fingerprint for the new key : 1E389882EFEABB1AE7723A014B9100E679075EDF

If you have any questions or problem about those changes, please post on the forum

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