
Author : obarun | Tags : Packagespublied : 2017-12-12 23:44:00

A new version of s6-rc was uploaded on obarun repository and the format for the rc database was changed.

You need to build again the boot database before rebooting your machine. To do it follow this :

# mv -f /etc/s6/compiled/default /etc/s6/compiled/default.pacsave
# s6-rc-compile /etc/s6/compiled/default /etc/s6/rc

You need to make the same for all your user database e.g. :

# s6opts compile Live live

Note : it's not allowed to compile your current user database. You need to switch first to another one, then compile it and finaly switch again onto it, e.g : (be aware that all your services on the database will be bringing down when you switch on another one)

# s6opts switch Default
# s6opts compile Live live
# s6opts switch Live

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