66 packages v0.2.4.0 and his childrens

Author : obarun | Tags : Packagespublied : 2020-01-17 02:50:16

This new version comes with a few more features and tool. It needs an update of all trees on your system as root and regular user.
This tedious task was previously made manually. This new version bring the 66-update tool which make a smooth transition between 66 inner format changes.

This bulletin do not concern fresh installation.

HOW TO: Migration procedure

Simply run the following command on your system as root and regular user:

as root:

# 66-update -d
as user:
% 66-update -d
The commands do not change anything on your system. The -d option ask at 66-update to make a dry-run and allow us to check if the process go right.

If these commands terminate successfully, run again the 66-update removing the -d options to process a real update.

Your system should be now operational and use the corresponding format of the 66 version currently installed on your system. For further information, please see the 66-update documentation page.

If the dry-run return you an error and you are not able to fix it, please ask for help at the Obarun forum, by email at eric@obarun.org or at the #Obarun chat on freenode and downgrade 66 to the previous version.

What's news

Frontend files

Two new @key fields called @optsdepends and @extdepends on the [main] section were added.

This two fields brings flexibility at declaration and enable phase of a service.

@optsdepends allow us to declare an optional dependencies and can be considere as "enable one on this service or none".

@extdepends allow us to declare an external dependencies and can be considere as "enable the service if it is not already declared on a tree".

Please see the frontend documentation page for further information.


Three new fields were added at information display.

The field Starts after will give you the start order of the tree.
The field Allowed will give you a list of allowed user to use the tree.
The field Symlinks will give you the actually database used by the tree.

Also, a option -n were added which permit to not display the name of the field. This brings facility to retrieve and use informations on a script.
For example this following command return the name and the log file of all services enabled on all trees available on your system for the owner of the process:

% for i in $(66-intree -n -o contents); do 66-inservice -o name,logfile $i; done

Please refers to 66-inservice documentation page for further information."


According to the new frontend key fields, 66-inservice displays Optional dependencies and External dependencies as new field.

As 66-intree, 66-inservice accept now the -n option.

Please refers to 66-inservice documentation page for further information.


Hope you found this bulletin usefull for you.

If you have any questions or trouble, please do not hesitate in making a report.

Thanks for your attention.


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