



Tests an element and creates it, if it does not exist yet, with the default or specified options, then executes a program by default.


    execl-toc [ -h ] [ -v verbosity ] [ -n ] [ -t ] [ -D ] [ -X ] [ -d|p|S|m|L|e|b|c|k|n|g|r|s|t|u|w|x|f|z|O|U|N|V|E element ] [ -o opts ] [ -t type ] [ -d device ] [ -g gid ] [ -u uid ] [ -m mode ] [ -M mode ] [ -s|D|B ] [ -b backlog ] prog...

Execl-toc (Test Or Create) tests an element and creates it, if it does not exist yet, where an element can be a directory, a fifo, a socket, a mountpoint or a symlink, for testing and creation, and additionally a file and a string for testing only. Then it execs into the rest of its command line. The options are separated in three parts:

and must be ordered at the command line in that sequence.

The creation of an element can be controlled with the help of create_options options. Some of these create_options are specific for a particular element, where others are general.

Exit codes

Main options

Main_options are not mandatory.


Test_options are mandatory and must precede the create_options. Parent directories of an element will also be created at creation process, if it doesn’t exist with 0755 as permissions, if -m is not specified.

Create options

Depending on the element to create, create_options may or may not be mandatory. The following explanation specifies the mandatory ones.

Usage examples

Test and create a directory if it does not exist yet:

    #!/usr/bin/execlineb -P
    execl-toc -d /run/user/1000 -m 0700
    66-echo -- "/run/user was created"

Test a directory but do not create it if it does not exist:

    #!/usr/bin/execlineb -P
    execl-toc -D -d /run/user/1000
    66-echo -- "/run/user already exist"

Test a directory, do not create it if it does not exist, and do not execute prog

    #!/usr/bin/execlineb -P
    if -n { execl-toc -X -D -d /run/user/1001 }
    66-echo -- "/run/user/1001 does not exist"

Test a mountpoint and create it if it does not exist

    #!/usr/bin/execlineb -P
    execl-toc -m /dev/hugepage -o noatime,nodev,noexec,nosuid -t hugetlbfs -d hugepages
    66-echo -- "/dev/hugepage created and mounted successfully"

Test a socket and create it if it doesn’t exist

    #!/usr/bin/execlineb -P
    execl-toc -S /run/user/bus
    66-echo -- "you can now use the socket"

Test if a variable is set on the environment

    #!/usr/bin/execlineb -P
    execl-toc -V PATH
    66-echo -- "PATH variable is set"

Test if a file exists

    #!/usr/bin/execlineb -P
    execl-toc -e /home/obarun/.xinitrc
    66-echo -- ".xinitrc is a regular file"

Test if a file is executable

    #!/usr/bin/execlineb -P
    execl-toc -x /home/obarun/.xinitrc
    66-echo -- ".xinitrc is executable"

Test if a directory is empty

    #!/usr/bin/execlineb -P
    execl-toc -E /mnt
    66-echo -- "/mnt is emtpy"