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Currently viewing version: v0.6.1.1



A mix of s6-envdir and importas. Reads files containing variable assignments in the given file/directory, adds the variables to the environment and then executes a program.


    execl-envfile [ -h ] [ -v verbosity ] [ -l ] src prog
This tool expects to find a regular file or a directory in src containing one or multiple key=value pair(s). It will parse that file, import the key=value and then exec the given prog with the modified environment. In case of directory for each file found it apply the same process. src can be an absolute or a relative path.

Exit codes


File syntax

src is a text file or a directory containing lines of pairs with the syntax being: key = value Whitespace is permitted before and after key, and before or after value. Quoting is also possible.

Empty lines or lines containing only whitespace are ignored. Lines beginning with # (also after whitespace) are ignored and typically used for comments. Comments are not possible at the end of lines: key = value # comment is not a valid comment.

If val begin by a ! character: key=!value the key will be removed from the environment after the substitution.

Usage example

    #!/usr/bin/execlineb -P
    fdmove -c 2 1
    execl-envfile /etc/66/conf/ntpd
    foreground { mkdir -p  -m 0755 ${RUNDIR} }
    execl-cmdline -s { ntpd ${CMD_ARGS} }

The equivalent with s6-envdir and importas would be:

    #!/usr/bin/execlineb -P
    fdmove -c 2 1
    s6-envdir /etc/66/conf
    importas -u RUNDIR RUNDIR
    importas -u CMD_ARGS CMD_ARGS
    foreground { mkdir -p  -m 0755 ${RUNDIR} }
    execl-cmdline -s { ntpd ${CMD_ARGS} }

where /etc/66/conf contains two named files RUNDIR and CMD_ARGS written with /run/openntpd and -d -s respectively.


src can not exceed more than 100 files. Each file can not contain more than 8191 bytes or more than 50 key=value pairs.