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Currently viewing version: v0.6.1.1


Sends a signal to a scandir. Safe wrapper around s6‑svscanctl.


    66-scanctl [ -h ] [ -z ] [ -v verbosity ] [ -l live ] [ -d notif ] [ -t rescan ] [ -e environment ] [ -o owner ] start|stop|reload|quit|nuke|zombies or any s6-svscanctl options.

This program sends a signal to an already running scandir at live where by default live is at /run/66 or the resulting path provided by the ‑l option. If owner is not explicitely set with ‑o then the user of the current process will be used instead.

Exit codes



Any signal accepted by s6‑svscanctl can be passed but without the dash character. As a result if you wanted to send a ‑t signal, you need to use: 66‑scanctl t. Further a series of commands is also accepted in the same way: 66‑scanctl st. A few convenient keywords were added to avoid having to remember basic and useful commands:

Usage examples

    66-scanctl reload

Updates the process supervision tree to exactly match the services listed in scandir. This command is strictly equal to:

    s6-svscanctl -an /path_to_scandir