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Currently viewing version: v0.6.1.1


Triggers the software shutdown procedure. Performs an immediate hardware shutdown with the ‑f option. It is normally invoked by halt, poweroff or reboot wrappers installed by default at /etc/66. This program is a modified copy of s6-linux-init-hpr.


    66-hpr [ -H ] [ -l live ] [ -b banner ] [ -f ] [ -h | -p | -r ] [ -n ] [ -d | -w ] [ -W ]

This is the traditional sysvinit interface for the halt, poweroff and reboot programs. 66‑hpr must always be called with either ‑h, ‑p or ‑r.

Exit codes


*** WARNING ***
The system is going down NOW!


halt, poweroff and reboot scripts that call 66‑hpr with the relevant option should be copied or symlinked by the administrator into the binary directory of your system.