Handles an environment file and variable of a service depending on the options passed.
66-env [ -h ] [ -z ] [ -v verbosity ] [ -t tree ] [ -c version ] [ -s version ] [ -V|L ] [ -r key=value ] [ -i src,dst ] [ -e editor ] service
. Depending of the options passed, you can displays the contents of the file, see the current version used, edits the configuration file and so on.The edition of the configuration file is the default option if neither option is passed.
-h : prints this help.
-z : use color.
-v verbosity : increases/decreases the verbosity of the command.
-t : handles the selection of the given tree. This option is mandatory except if a tree was marked as 'current'—see 66-tree.
-c version : makes version as the current one to use by default. If the service is already running, you need to restart the service to apply the change by the command e.g. 66-start -r <service>
-s version : specifies the version to handles with the options -V, -L, -r and -e instead of using the current one.
-V : lists available versioned configuration directories of the service. The term current
is used to specific the current version in use as follow:
0.1.4 current
- -r key=value : override an existing key=value
pair with the given one. The key=value
needs to be single quoted in case of multiple arguments.This option can be specified multiple times.
-L : lists defined environment variables for the service. It do the same for all files found at the configuration directory.
-i src,dst : imports configuration file from src version to dst version. The src version and dst version need to be separated by a comma without space before and after it. It do not import the configuration written by the 66-enable
process but only deal with extra configuration files written by the sysadmin.
-e editor: edit the configuration file with editor. If you don't specify this option, it try to found the EDITOR
variable from the environment variable. Note: the upstream file (meaning the one prefixed with a dot) is never touched. A copy of the upstream file is copied (if it doesn't exist yet) and the 66-env tool modifies that file.(see Service configuration file for further information).
66-env -L ntpd
66-env -r CMD_ARGS=-d
66-env -r CMD_ARGS='-c /etc/nginx/nginx.conf -g "daemon off;"'
66-env -i 0.1.6,0.1.7 nginx
66-env -V ntpd
sudo 66-env -e nano ntpd
66-env -s 0.1.6 ntpd
Removing a key from the environment after the use can be handled by using an exclamation mark !
at the begin of the value:
66-env -r 'CMD_ARGS=!-c /etc/nginx/nginx.conf -g "daemon off;"'