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Currently viewing version: v0.6.1.1



    66-disable [ -h ] [ -z ] [ -v verbosity ] [ -l live ] [ -t tree ] [ -S ] [ -F ] [ -R ] service(s)

This tool expects to find an already enabled service inside the given tree. The targeted service(s) can also be stopped on the fly when disabling it with the -S option. Generally speaking this command is the strict opposite of the 66-enable tool.

Multiple services can be disabled by seperating their names with a space.

Exit codes


Dependencies handling

In case of bundle, module or 'atomic' services, any dependency chain will be automatically resolved. It is unnecessary to manually define chained sets of dependencies. If FooA has a declared dependency on FooB, FooB will be automatically disabled as well when disabling FooA. This will run recursively until all dependencies are disabled.