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Currently viewing version: v0.6.1.1


This command is used to control an already supervised service in live defined in tree.


    66-dbctl [ -h ] [ -z ] [ -v verbosity ] [ -l live ] [ -t tree ] [ -T timeout ] [ -u | d | r ] service(s)
66-dbctl expects to find an already supervised service in live defined in the given tree and an already running scandir.

(!) This tool only deals with bundle, module and atomic services—for classic services see 66-svctl.

Multiple services can be handled by separating their names with a space. 66-dbctl gathers the services passed as argument in a list called selection.

If service is not given, 66-dbctl deals with all bundle, module and atomic services of the given tree.

Exit codes



This tool is a safe wrapper around s6-rc. It exclusively handles files that form part of the 66 ecosystem before sending the selection list to s6-rc.