This command is used to control an already supervised service in live defined in tree.
66-dbctl [ -h ] [ -z ] [ -v verbosity ] [ -l live ] [ -t tree ] [ -T timeout ] [ -u | d | r ] service(s)
66-dbctl expects to find an already supervised service in live defined in the given tree and an already running scandir.
(!) This tool only deals with bundle
, module
and atomic
services—for classic
services see 66-svctl.
Multiple services can be handled by separating their names with a space. 66-dbctl gathers the services passed as argument in a list called selection.
If service is not given, 66-dbctl deals with all bundle
, module
and atomic
services of the given tree.
-h : prints this help.
-z : use color.
-v verbosity : increases/decreases the verbosity of the command.
-l live : changes the supervision directory of service to live. By default this will be /run/66
. The default can also be changed at compile time by passing the --livedir=live
option to ./configure
. An existing absolute path is expected and should be within a writable and executable filesystem - likely a RAM filesystem—see 66-scandir.
-t : handles the selection of the given tree. This option is mandatory except if a tree was marked as 'current'—see 66-tree.
-T timeout : specifies a general timeout (in milliseconds) after which 66-dbctl will exit 111 with an error message if the selection still hasn't reached the desired state for each service; default is 0 (blocks indefinitely).
-u : sends an up signal to the service.
-r : reload the service. It sends a down signal then a up signal to the service.
This tool is a safe wrapper around s6-rc. It exclusively handles files that form part of the 66 ecosystem before sending the selection list to s6-rc.