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This command handles snapshot of the 66 ecosystem of the owner of the process.


snapshot [ -h ] create|restore|remove|list [<subcommand options>] name

This command creates, removes, restores or list snapshot of the 66 ecosystem for the owner of the current process depending on the provided options. This command requires a functioning 66 ecosystem and does not verify the presence of mandatory 66 directories or files. Therefore, avoid using this command during the initial installation of 66 without first running another 66 command.

This command only handle 66 ecosystem for the owner of the process. Making a snapshot as root do not handle users 66 ecosystem.

This command can be used at any time without impacting the state of the running services and may be usefull to downgrade a 66 ecosystem if a 66 automatic upgrade process go wrong whatever the reason.

This command can also usefull to transfert the exact same 66 ecosystem from a machine to another making a snapshot, copying it to the targeted machine and restoring it.



Usage examples

Creates a snapshot named foo

66 snapshot create foo

Restores a snapshot named foo

66 snapshot restore foo

Deletes a snapshot named foo

66 snapshot remove foo

List all available snapshot

66 snapshot list


This subcommand creates a snapshot that doesn't exist yet.


snapshot create [ -h ] *name*

This subcommand make a snapshot called named containing a verbatim copy of the /var/lib/66/system, /etc/66, /etc/66/conf, `,/etc/66/seed,/etc/66/service,/usr/share/66/service,/usr/share/66/scriptand/usr/share/66/seedforrootuser, and make a verbatim copy of the$HOME/.66/system,$HOME/.66/service,$HOME/.66/script,$HOME/.66/conf,$HOME/.66/seedand$HOME/` directory for regular users.

/run/66, /var/log/66 and $HOME/.66/log for regular users are not taken into account.

The prefix system@ is reserved for snapshot names used in automatic upgrade processes. Please consider to choose a different prefix for your personal snapshot names.


Usage examples

Creates a snapshot named fooback

66 snapshot create fooback


This subcommand restores a previously created snapshot.


snapshot restore [ -h ] *name*

This subcommand restores a previously created snapshot called name.

You can get a list of available snapshot invocating the list subcommand.


Usage examples

Restores a snapshot named fooback

66 snapshot restore fooback


This subcommand removes a previously created snapshot.


snapshot remove [ -h ] *name*

This subcommand removes a previously created snapshot called name. This operation cannot be undone. Process with caution.

You can get a list of available snapshot invocating the list subcommand.


Usage examples

Removes a snapshot named fooback

66 snapshot remove fooback


This subcommand list available snapshot.


snapshot list [ -h ]

This subcommand list all available snapshot for the owner of the current process.


Usage examples

List available snapshot

66 snapshot list