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Controls an already supervised service.


signal [ -h ] [ -wu | -wU | -wd | -wD | -wr | -wR ] [ -abqHkti12pcysodDuUxOrP ] service...

This command expects to find an already supervised service and an already running scandir.

This command is the heart of 66 concerning service state change. Every other 66 command that need to send a signal to a service pass through this command.

Multiple services can be handled by separating their names with a space.

This command handles interdependencies.


Usage examples

Send a SIGHUP signal to foo

66 signal -H foo

Send a SIGHUP signal to foo by signal name

66 signal -s SIGHUP foo

Triggers a log rotation of foo-log

66 signal -a -P foo-log

Take down foo and block until the process is down and the finish script has completed

66 signal -wD -d foo

Bring up foo and block until it has sent notification that it is ready. Exit if it is still not ready after 5 seconds.

66 -T 5000 -wU -u foo