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Handles an environment file and variable of a service depending on the options passed.


configure [ -h ] [ -c version ] [ -s version ] [ -V|L ] [ -r key=value ] [ -i src,dst ] [ -e editor ] service

This command allows to handle the configuration file of service found by default at /etc/66/conf/<service>. Depending of the options passed, you can displays the contents of the file, see the current version used, edits the configuration file and so on.

The edition of the configuration file is the default option if neither option is passed.


Usage examples

Lists the defined environment variable of the service foo

66 configure -L foo

Change the value of the CMD_ARGS variable for the service nginx

66 configure -r CMD_ARGS='-c /etc/nginx/nginx.conf -g "daemon off;"' nginx

Import the configuration file from the 0.1.6 version to th e0.1.7 version of the service foo

66 configure -i 0.1.6,0.1.7 foo

Get the list of version available for the service foo

66 configure -V foo

Edit the configuration file of the service foo using the nano editor

sudo 66 configure -e nano foo

See the the defined environment variable of the service foo from the 0.1.6 version

66 configure -s 0.1.6 -L foo

List the defined environment variables of the service barz of the module foo@foobar

66 configure -L foo@foobar:barz


Removing a key from the environment variable during the execution time of the service can be handled by using an exclamation mark ! at the begin of the value:

66 configure -r 'CMD_ARGS=!-c /etc/nginx/nginx.conf -g "daemon off;"' nginx

It this case the CMD_ARGS variable is not define at the environment variable of the service.