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This command remove all components of a service. This operation cannot be undone. Process with caution.


remove [ -h ] [ -P ] service...

This command remove all files belongs to service from the system even its log file. The only exception is its frontend file.

If the service is running, it will be stopped and unsupervised before removing it. This is also applied to its required-by dependencies except if the -P is passed.

In case of module service type, all services declared within the module will be removed. The -P has no effect on the services within the module and only affects the module's dependencies.

If the associated tree of service is a part of the group boot, the service is not stopped and not unsupervised. The changes will occur at the next boot.

This command handles interdependencies.


Usage example

Removes the service foo

66 remove foo

Removes the service foo without touching its interdependencies

66 remove -P foo