Table of Contents

Currently viewing version:

This documentation explains the differences in options and interface changes between versions v0.6.1.3 and Futhers information can be found to the upgrade page concerning behavior changes, frontend @key changes and more.

General Interface changes

Generally, the prefix is removed from commands, for example, 66-enable becomes 66 enable, 66-start becomes 66 start, and so on except for a few special commands -- see below.

Debug command

Old command New command
66-parser 66 parse
66-inresolve 66 resolve
66-instate 66 state

Admin command

Old command New command
66-boot 66 boot
66-scandir 66 scandir
66-scanctl incorporate into 66 scandir
66-init 66 init
66-svctl 66 signal
66-dbctl removed
66-hpr 66-hpr. This command should not be used directly. Prefer using 66 poweroff, 66 reboot, 66 halt to power off, reboot and halt the machine respectively
66-shutdownd 66-shutdownd
66-update removed

User command

Old command New command
66-all 66 tree
66-tree 66 tree
66-enable 66 enable
66-disable 66 disable
66-start 66 start
66-stop 66 stop
66-intree 66 tree status
66-inservice 66 status
66-env 66 configure
66-shutdown 66-shutdown. This command should not be used directly. Prefer using 66 poweroff, 66 reboot, 66 halt to power off, reboot and halt the machine respectively

Extra tools

Old command New command
66-echo 66-echo
66-nuke 66-nuke
66-umountall 66-umountall
execl-envfile execl-envfile

New command

Command Action
66 reload reload a service
66 restart restart a service
66 free unsupervise a service
66 reconfigure parse again a service
66 remove remove a service
66 poweroff poweroff the system
66 reboot reboot the system
66 halt halt the system
66 version get the version of 66

General options changes

Previous tools accepted the options -h, -z, -l, -T and -t. These options are now integrated into the general 66 command. Let's take an examples:

Old command New command
66-enable -t root consolekit 66 -t root enable consolekit
66-start -l /run/66 sshd 66 -l /run/66 start sshd

Help accessibility

All commands and subcommands accept the -h option to access their respective help.

General exit codes

All commands and subcommands return:

Interface and Options changes by command

If not specified, the interface (except for the name itself -- see General Interface changes) or the options do not change.


66-scandir and 66-scanctl was combined together into the command 66 scandir.

old options new options
66-scanctl interrupt 66 scandir stop
66-scanctl reload 66 scandir reconfigure
66-scanctl reboot removed
66-scanctl poweroff removed

New subcommands was integrated to 66 scandir to avoid using options from s6-svscanctl.

66 scandir s6-svscanctl
66 scandir rescan s6-svscanctl -a
66 scandir abort s6-svscanctl -b
66 scandir nuke s6-svscanctl -n
66 scandir annihilate s6-svscanctl -N
66 scandir zombies s6-svscanctl -z


As s6-rc was dropped, the specification of the type of the service is not needed anymore. This program was integrated to 66 tree command -- see 66 tree init documentation for futhers information.

old argument new argument
66-init classic 66 tree init treename
66-init database 66 tree init treename
66-init both 66 tree init treename


This tool previously deals only with classic service whereas 66 signal deals with all kind of services type.

old options new options
66-svctl -n removed
66-svctl -X 66 signal -x -d
66-svctl -K 66 signal -k -d


This tool previously handles all services for trees, the new command handles all enabled services for trees.

old argument new argument
66-all up 66 tree start
66-all down 66 tree stop
66-all unsupervise 66 tree free


old options new options
66-tree -n 66 tree create
66-tree -a 66 tree admin -o allow=user,user,... or at creation with 66 tree create -o allow=user,user,...
66-tree -d 66 tree admin -o deny=user,user,... or at creation with 66 tree create -o deny=user,user,...
66-tree -c 66 tree current
66-tree -S 66 tree admin -o depends=tree,tree,... or at creation with 66 tree create -o depends=tree,tree,...
66-tree -E 66 tree enable
66-tree -D 66 tree disable
66-tree -R 66 tree remove
66-tree -C removed


With the previous version, services must be enabled to be able to start the service. It is not mandatory anymore with the new version. A service can be started without enabling it first. As result, the enable process is not responsible of the parse process even if it parse the service if the service was never parsed before.

old options new options
66-enable -f 66 enable
66-enable -F 66 reconfigure
66-enable -I 66 parse -I
66-enable -S 66 enable -S


old options new options
66-disable -S 66 disable -S
66-disable -F removed
66-disable -R 66 remove


old options new options
66-start -r 66 reload
66-start -R 66 restart


old options new options
66-stop -u 66 free
66-stop -X 66 signal -x
66-stop -K 66 signal -k -d

Converting service frontend file from version to

Manual intervention is required to upgrade the frontend file to version, as both the longrun and bundle types have been eliminated. Additionally, certain fields have been altered, deprecated, or removed.

Cleaning the 66 directories and files

The heart structure of 66 has been reframed, resulting in a simplified directory architecture. Clean unused files and directories from the previous release by following the instructions below. Additionally, refer to the deeper understanding documentation about the 66 architecture.


You can safely remove the following directories and files:

The exact same task applies to the ${HOME}/.66 directory. Also, you can remove the ${HOME}/.66/module directory.


You can safely remove the following /etc/66/module directory.