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This command enables one or more services within a specified tree depending of the method used.


enable [ -h ] [ -S ] service...

This command will also parse the service if it was never parsed. The service will then be available in the given tree for the next boot depending on the state of the tree. The targeted service(s) can also be started on the fly when enabling it with the -S option.

The given tree can be define through the -t option in the 66 general option or by using the @intree field within the frontend file or setting a current tree through the 66 tree current subcommand. If neither -t options nor @intree is provided, or if no tree is marked as a current one, it will enable the service within the default tree named global. The default tree name can be changed at compile time by passing the --with-default-tree-name to ./configure.

In case of module service type, all services within the module are enabled.

Multiple services can be enabled by separating their names with a space.

This command handles interdependencies.


Usage examples

Enable a service while specifying with the tree name(this only takes effect if the service has not been parsed before):

66 -t treeA enable foo

Enable an instanced service:

66 enable foo@foobar

Enable and start the service, also increase the default verbosity:

66 -v3 enable -S foo